OSTEPERLER Associate Level Certification ? January 2023

Open to all people who appreciate cheese, this is an opportunity to broaden your cheese knowledge, share it with family, friends and colleagues or to progress your career if you already work with cheese in or intend to do so.



What will I learn?

During this full day course, you will learn about cheesemaking, maturing, grading, affinage, how to present, serve and pair cheese, but most of all how to taste and describe various cheeses using the Academy’s Structured Approach to Tasting Cheese.

The Level One course is an introduction to all kinds of cheese, and you learn how to taste them using the Academy of Cheese Taste Model/ Structured Approach to Tasting Cheese. For the Level One certification it is required you taste 25 different cheeses.

On the day you will be tasting a minimum of 15 cheeses. Along the way we will also talk about the origin, history and cultural aspects of the cheeses we taste, giving you valuable talking points for serving or selling cheese. All this done in an informal, relaxed and fun atmosphere.

This is a one-day course and includes:

  • A tutored cheese tasting of 15 cheeses
  • Academy of Cheese delegate pack
  • Access to your personalised Academy of Cheese learning road
  • Access to the Academy cheese library containing over 150 cheeses
  • The Level One exam fee
  • A light lunch and (non-alcoholic) drinks.

All the 25 cheeses included in the curriculum will not be tasted during the course day, so each participant will have to take responsibility for tasting some of the cheeses on their own.

In addition to the one-day course, make room for 15 – 20 hours home study before you enter the exam.

Expect an intense, interesting, educational and fun day full of flavours and aromas.

The course will be taught in Norwegian also using English terms as the exam is in English. A Norwegian/English “dictionary” including the most common cheese terms will be distributed to the participants.

The venue is Brageveien 1A, 0452 Oslo. That is Adamsstuen.

For even more information, check out https://osteperler.no/level-one/

Fee: NOK 2.600, all of the above included.



Påmelding er bindende, men i henhold til Angrerettsloven, kan du ombestemme deg inntil 14 dager etter at kurset er bestilt. I så fall refunderes eventuelt innbetalt beløp.
Ved avmelding etter at angreretten har utløpt og inntil en uke før kurset avholdes, kan påmeldingsavgiften, minus et gebyr på kr. 50,- refunderes. Alternativt kan påmeldingsavgiften overføres til et annet kurs. Ved avmelding senere enn én uke før arrangementet, refunderes ikke påmeldingavgiften, men den kan overføres til et senere/annet arrangement. Det er kjøpers ansvar å melde seg på nytt kurs. «No shows» refunderes ikke.

Skulle OSTEPERLER av forskjellige årsaker (så som sykdom, for få påmeldte, force majeur e.l.) kansellere, vil kursavgiften refunderes i sin helhet. Eventuelle andre kostnader du måtte ha pådratt deg eller vil komme til å pådra deg som følge av påmeldingen, erstattes ikke.

Hvis du melder deg på kurs mindre enn 14 dager før kursstart, gjelder ikke angreretten i henhold til Angrerettsloven.
Skulle du være misfornøyd med kursinnholdet eller framførelsen og mener at dette ikke har vært i henhold til hva som har vært opplyst/markedsført, må reklamasjon og krav om eventuell kompensasjon sendes skriftlig senest dagen etter kurset. At det som er servert som en del av kurset ikke har falt i smak, er ikke grunnlag for reklamasjon av noe slag. Endring av lokalitet for avholding av kurset, likeså endring av typer ost eller drikke i forhold til oppsatt plan, gir ikke grunnlag for reklamasjon.

Kursdeltakere kan velge å betale ved hjelp av betalingsløsning på osteperler.no eller få tilsendt faktura. Det påløper ikke fakturagebyr. Ønskes faktura bestilles kurs skriftlig ved hjelp av kontaktskjema. Faktura må, uavhengig av påmeldingstidspunkt, være betalt før kursstart.

Includes instant access to the Associate learning road and certification

  • How to describe the key ingredients used in cheesemaking and their purpose
  • Have an overview of the steps involved in cheesemaking and maturation
  • Understand the Academy of Cheese Make/Post-Make (MPM) Model
  • Understand how milk is produced
  • Recognise the condition of a soft mould-ripened cheese in terms of degree of ripeness
  • Understands cheese grading and its relevance
  • Understands the role of maturation and affinage in adding value to the product
  • Knows the different techniques to accelerate and decelerate ripening in soft mould-ripened cheese
  • Understand of how cheese is bought and transported including the term “chill chain”
  • Understand the importance of offering an appropriate range of cheeses for a cheese board
  • Select and use appropriate packaging, to wrap and re-wrap cheese
  • Be able to cut cheese using appropriate tools
  • Understand the importance of caring for, cutting and serving cheeses appropriate to the variety
  • Understands the key descriptors of cheese i.e. country of origin, species of milking animal, vegetarian/animal rennet, raw/pasteurised milk, MPM Model, protected status, age
  • Understands the principles of pairing cheese and drinks
  • An overview of the history of cheesemaking
  • Understand the differences between large scale and artisan production
  • Understand an overview of the nutritional value of cheese
  • Demonstrates good hand-washing techniques
  • Understand how to handle cheese safely
  • Understand the difference between “use by” and “best before”
  • Understands how to use the Academy of Cheese Level 1 Structured Approach to Tasting Model
  • Practical assessment of cheese using the model

At Level One you are required to study and taste 25 iconic cheeses. You will find details on each cheese in your delegates pack and in the online Cheese Library. Whether you attend an online or classroom course you will be expected to have tasted the 25 cheeses on the Level One list by the time of your assessment.

Use the Structured Approach to Tasting Cheese (SATC) sheet to record your tasting notes.

Whichever way you chose to study, you’ll need to take the online exam to become a certified Academy of Cheese Associate. It’s 30 questions in 30 minutes, you’ve got this! 


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