Soft & Gooey Cheese: Tuesday Night is Cheese Night Episode 2

14th April 2020 #TNCN


Learn about the four stages of tasting cheese and how to take tasting notes with this definitive guide to tasting cheese.

Read our Guide to tasting cheese.

Video Transcript:

Okay right It’s tuesday night it must be cheese night

Welcome it’s another beautiful day looking at my window I hope across the world a few people listening in so is that wonderful. okay are you there oh you know it’s cheese it’s beautiful it’s lovely let’s talk now I’ve already got Alison on there with Baron Bigod I wanted some Baron Bigod Cheese Envy coming your way another moment the restaurant we should order what someone else is having everybody so good and we’ve got Jill accorded courtesy Oxford cheese company you got a brie de meaux gonge you a little bit thicker somewhat creamy a little wooden players good choices okay welcome everybody thank you very much for joining us again it is now 8 o’clock Tuesday Night is Cheese Night.

Tracy you there, good evening Tracy it is lovely to see you again I cannot you see a picture here Tracy she’s looking amazing. Tracy blue skies with a few wispy clouds is it be nice day nice warm have you go out in the garden at all

Shepherd’s purse cheeses, gorgeous team gorgeous Shepherd’s purse  team in Yorkshire it’s your so choose your Harrogate blue if you’ve never tried people the Heritage bloom Shepherd’s but I think it’s absolutely staying so good to see you on board who else okay we got jesus  we’ve got a mic we’ve got a more Shepherd for us, okay right Tracy what did we tell everyone we talked about tonight Soft and gooey cheeses

Okay let’s do that, our wonderful sponsors the Academy of Cheese are a global organization based in Shropshire, Tracy is the nerve centre, we are the leading global teachers of Cheese. So if you need to know about cheese come to us. We’re very sober and sensible organization and everything we put in our material has been proved by at least two or three studies has been peer-reviewed I’m sure. On Tuesday night is cheese night we are here to promote and have a little bit fun at the expense of cheese and have it love so if you need to learn about cheese come to our website check us out find out what we’re doing and leave us a little bit of cheesiness. Is that enough of an intro, can I talk about the soft and gooeyness that is mould-ripened cheeses.

How is it in Prague Kevin, no doubt he’ll get back to us in a second right I don’t know what cheese’s you can get proud one of our number Paul Thomas does a lot work in Eastern Europe improving the cheese being made out there so I believe it’s improving. I know that right across that eastern border of Europe worth a lot of what’s called white cheese’s they have many local names for the white cheese is essentially I always think of them as like piping cheeses you know what I mean you put the icing in they put the curd which is usually lactic rennet into the curd and make these quite firm pressed cheeses and they’re very flexible use a lot and cooking and forgive a lot of pastry and that kind of thing and it’s the interesting we’ve actually brought up because those are classified under the Academy of Cheese as being soft cheese because they’re very very simple in their structure there isn’t any big curd to curd bonding and what we also see is a high moisture that’s not soft and gooey cheese’s to get soft and gooey cheese’s we have to add a certain little bit and that magic comes through something called Penicillium camemberti.

Right so I’ve got two cheese’s tonight I was hoping for some Baron Bigod but didn’t get any let’s got to get me where I am. I’ve got Boy Laity, can you see that this is made by curtain crouched now there are sister company to Rodders I don’t know those runners but there’s some of the finest makers of clotted cream they are probably my favorite round fair ran across cream although there are other other good for the creams and they are a family run company and they’re doing alright there are really good good business and I do like family your own company it’s not speak memory so sit in the middle between our small people and the very big people and they keep going generation after generation. So Boy Laity that’s the number one, number two a cheese called St Endellion now last week we had David Stone you remember Steve stones made by what was the aggressor also is Derek Reston Owens on a large dairy firm from Canada and this is St Endellion made by coarse country Laura who are owned by Arla are a very very big cheese company in the UK they take twenty three twenty five percent of the UK milk market to make their cheeses they do a lot of funky stuff but most of it is in the large volume now when I started off selling cheese in my little shop in Shaftesbury endorsed it this was my go to breathe and how much why I like this one lots of good cheese is coming out in a West country right now that are soft 10-15 years ago everyone was still trying not always on it and now there’s ten last ten or fifteen years of being part of the really awesome British relation loss that has just multiplied skill levels as people have got better and better at trying different cheeses coming from both of the world now we want something gooey have we got something good coming in here with a little bit reaching it a little bit of or can I see that Charlie how do you tell us what the second cheat bit that that Cheese called please yeah the second one St Endellion he and Miss Bella now live on on YouTube even de-dum well I owe em they make St Endellion in a small town it’s made about three quarters away this would make seven miles from where I’m standing so it’s very very local to me I’m down yet the St Endellion after a small village um and they make a number of good cheeses.

so what makes a soft and gooey cheese softly good well there are quite a few ways to make it but the way we’re going to focus on is this blue me white right which you all are familiar with so those of you looking at Baron Bigod or maybe it’s Somerset brie or French Brie de Meaux or people agree to pay or something more simple it’s all got this white fluffy right right now you can see on there it looks pretty flat but I can tell you then when it was sitting in its cellar back in the cheesemakers this wasn’t for that at all it had lots of little filaments come up so it’s a very soft almost furry like structure I went to see rose air which is really nice brie maker about 20 KB other side of Paris and went down to their cellars would just recur sort of Second World War resistance kind of moment big doors underground and all the cheese’s laid out on these on his barracks that toaster outside and inside this is breathe but each one looks like it’s snowed on is this bow of beautiful pure white mold that’s sitting there and that gets pressed down when they put the grease proof paper and start putting blocks so that’s flattened

so let’s remind ourselves what mold is okay now I know that mold is a word we tend not to want to talk about because it’s a bad thing in general alright move nearly almost do you know there are a few that release toxins so I don’t want you all to go and go around just mold today but Roger to do not the reason mole is thought as a rule to be bad in your fridge it’s because where Mould can grow bacteria can grow. bacteria can be bad for you so mold is a strong indicator of where something has been kept correctly but some moles are our friends now this little chap is called Penicillium camemberti or to give him his proper name Penicillium Candido now penicillin camemberti has fallen out of favor as his name because oh no that’s not what they call it well I think that’s just cheese techies not liking us having a nice easy name to remember so I call it Penicillium camemberti because of camembert, how hard is that right so it sits on the outside.

So what does it do now I don’t know if you know much about Cornish Pasties but in the old days Cornish Pasties the reason it was encased in pasty was pecan pastry was you go down the line and you could get the whole meal inside the pasty and it would not only protect the ingredients but it would be like its own go carry case pastry in those days was almost like tough work for the 16 17 18th century now it turns out this mold had a similar function when they first started using it was about containing the cheese because if you got a cheese this softness that could only be used unknown within the next five or ten miles because it’s just too fragile to transport bung it in a nice robust in this case a mold and you can start sending out to Paris you’ve got bigger business and that brings us to Marie Harel which we’ll talk about a second.

So they start using this football because it’s real bust it’s a strong chap too strong model forms a strong let’s have a little bit of cut off here oh it’s almost like a carpet right well rip it and you can see that it’s got good strength to it because this is a multifilament mold which means that it’s made up of more than one cell and it makes a nice structure I mean no one’s expecting you to you know build houses out of this stuff but you can probably sleep on one it’s a challenge okay so it makes a nice trip us more but it has this side effect the side effect what side effect you know they saying what side effect raising I bet their yeah it releases into the cheese something called enzymes now we’re not just notice like she’s tonight we’re I get to tell you but enzymes are going to turn out to be important so let’s see if you can see that right let’s see if we can get a nice picture can you see that in the middle of a we see mouthing there’s a sort of pain in a bit can we see that yeah yeah we’re seeing that good we’re seeing that okay that sometimes called the biscuit or the heart the cheese that’s an unripened bit of camembert. okay that’s what the cheese look like when it went on the Shelf as it just came out the dairy and went straight on into what’s called the hastner which is the first step and ripening these cheese’s now that shabby there is crumbly firm I don’t know if you can let’s let’s have a look that’s it we see that we’ve got we’ve got come on you can do this can we come on can you oh is it gonna focus maybe not is this a good use for a bowler hat look at that worked every time okay I can tell that okay so a little bit of crumble so that is the cheese when it comes out the dairy so you’ve made the cheese you take that as much moisture as you want so what this cheese is doing is it goes from that crumble then it goes softer what’s doing it that’s that’s those those enzymes released by the mold you’ve introduced on the outside.

Now this mold is a monoculture of the broad most part there might be some other molds and yeast in there for the waste dominant Penicillium camemberti it’s come out of a laboratory somewhere it’s been cultured it’s pure it’s very very clean but people usually know exactly what it does and they know how it’s going to perform and how they that cheese is going to see ripening up to about a centimeter two centimeter half from the outside to the inside which is why the middle is the last bit to ripen.

Okay last bit, last bit crumbly now you might say always got a little more to go actually that’s quite tasty is it but you’re right most of us want to let it go a little bit more so that we get crumb doing this all the way down and then it just mmm slides off the plate then I pour somewhere so that’s your one on one on how gooeyness happens it’s much more to it now we’re just getting started but that’s the essentials get a beer soft cheese leave lots of moisture in it 50% moisture water remember last week we were talking about Cheddar’s 34 39 percent moisture those things can last forever this trap left to his own devices will be go off in about 20 days hung some mold on it the right kind of mod that’s going to extend the life you are nicely sealing it in you’re putting a nice protective coat on the outside and now the little enzymes getting to working with transforming into something you love.

Okay so that’s this chat now I’ve given this one a little bit too much of a squeeze I do apologize I apologize mister symptoms in it now hmm can you see that you can see that can you see the ones skinnier than the other or flatter now think about this is that makes a big difference if your mold that’s got centimeter ish of penetration power to get the gooeyness happening you make a skinnier bruit it’s gonna start right me in the hole bury more isn’t it if you make it like foot thick it’s not gonna ripen the way through you’re gonna get a bit around the outside and not much little make it really really skinny and it’s gonna ripen really quickly get really good but it’s very fragile so it’s a payoff and a lot of these cheese’s had to make their decisions about how much they needed the strict rigidity and the cheese the practicality of cheese that doesn’t break every time pick it up and in fact they needed to ripen so mr. carton crouched he’s taking a can bear style probably fractionally thicker than your average normally come a bit but that’s going to do well mr. centre DeLeon made 10 miles away is gone let’s get it ripe and go thin use really good packaging to get it to our consumers and allow it to run like the devil which is why in my shop we have this as a bag because a lot of our customers really valued that good good.

All right that’s the simplicity of it and what about some other ones are you asking what about the Epoisses and maybe a Liverot maybe another normally cheese like that are those are those cheese that we should do a program on triple cream cheese they’re delicious oh you need one of our most gracious ah cheese they run quite a thick one very now let’s talk about the French for a second right the French I would say they invented it isn’t quite right word they they they made it their special today are the geniuses of Mulder icon cheese’s and everyone for the last 50 years has been playing catch-up and the two big famous cheese is out there in France are the 2 PDOs Brie de Meaux and Camembert de Normande. Right Brie de Meaux goes about 700 its first mentioned 770 something of that order it’s been around a very long time and various number names Meaux itself as a town as I said about 20 kg outside of Paris there’s two sister cheese it’s breeding knowledge ease and freedom Ella which is going around the clock of Paris so if mo is at 3 o’clock tick tick tick tick mell ours about 4:30 and knowledge eases further rounds of sort of more South Paris they are not so famous don’t have that super gooeyness that people have come to really respond to now so brie de Meaux is like the grandfather relatively speaking.

Camembert which is the new kid on the block because that dates to about 17 18 1800 something like that with a lady called Marie Harel right she is the godmother of mould ripened Cheeses not only her but her children our grandchildren created a whole dynasty of camembert making cheese lobbing money making or some people in the Normandy area I mean you know if there was ever a person who can claim to be one of the godfathers the great people in she’s Marie Harel was and she codified the making a camera bet and really made it got structures right and started really exporting out there so those are the two big cheeses and the image thing about them is that nobody in the world can make them quite like they care when we make them over here the cheese’s are yellow they’re buttery-er we have more hints of bitterness that sort of I don’t mean it tastes dandelion but if you imagine what dandelion tastes like I’ve got more of those kind of flavors developing bitter notes that kind of thing.

I’ve talked taste or trace you’ve got some questions for me I’ve gone Sam a go south and it’s been such a beautiful couple of days here that I went down to the longer doc I’ve got a pick pool I don’t know if you know much about that they’re cool to put people and people think cool tip you big pulled up in it right okay it’s a very very old grape the pickle it’s got a really kind of pick on itself means stinging lips or something like that very acidic and this one isn’t mother and very bright very big often blended other things except down there so you can imagine with blisteringly heart down and those sort of the Eastern Pyrenees it’s really really refreshing now we tasted this way my wife and I we had a little just to check it out and we’re getting notes of it comes in straight up appley and then it dies away I think you made none of the notes that was just a first impression then there’s a strong fresh young juicy grape moment and then it finishes in a kind of dry line and it’s actually really nice all blended very unkind so it’s actually working where you offer me as as wine might clash but in terms of trying to get food matching we touched on this last week for the big flavors which is the mouth flavors you want alternate flavours so if you have big sweet big savory than going acidic is balancing but for the complex flavors you want emphasis so you want where it’s or picking out thus that the subtle flavors you want to emphasize and bring important now this is going to give it a bit of balance on the simple flavors but it might just get a bit confused on the complex bonus because it’s got nothing to come so I’ll keep you posted

All right taste have you got your tasting sheets to hand oh you don’t know whether you’ve got that but you can download the Standard Approach to Tasting Cheese from the Academy of Cheese website it’s available it’s free and all that kind of stuff and it helps you really get into understanding shoes by taking through your observations really slowly on the front side of the sheet we all have a non flavour related issues what’s it look like was smell like was its texture what do you know about what kind of cheeses then and then on the second page of start getting to the deep flavor analytical kind of issues which is split between the simple flavors which we call the mouth flavors of salt sweet acid bitter and savory and the complex flavors the other 10,000 flavors that come in through the nose which humans are so you know we’re brilliant smell it I mean we don’t have any old dogs fair enough but we are awesome at what we do so I’ve got 10 pounds of flavors no you don’t have 10,000 flavors we as a species have 10,000 players you have trade up your nose to be aware of and identify and if you’re lucky be able to name the flavors that you’ve encountered during your life so your experiences will be different from somebody lives in Lima or Shanghai or else and those kind of things so you wouldn’t learn to use the skills relevant to where you live now we people in Britain are very lucky is the perfect country to a plethora an extortion array of food choices in our supermarket. But the downside is we kind of lose track because we don’t don’t get to know our local flavors very well whereas people have simpler cuisines and I would include the Mediterranean very new what’s very good of their smells so we need to get in there and understand us because the flavor is in the complexity the interest is in the complexity don’t get me wrong a simple flavors are awesome – I love them –

Right so let’s have a flavour so if you sit in there you haven’t been consumed in orbit I’m gonna start with its Delian shouldn’t play with your food memorize it okay this is this is classic there’s classic British style okay so it’s a warm flavor go straight into savory and I have to say it tasted clotted cream this isn’t the rodders one this isn’t the curtain close one this isn’t until Ian so it takes a root cream a warmth almost a hint of vanilla going on there and and then aging round the sides were getting bitterness now I haven’t tasted the rind here which is the normal source of bitterness but in these kind of cheeses but it’s really getting it that its business is such a nice one because as an adult you begin to really enjoy but think of all the great bitters that you love and bitter itself good a bit a bit you love a bit in your coffee you like bitter in your chocolate you might like business even tobacco if your tobacco use it so bitterness is something that we really respond to if position right and this has been done very nicely it’s just says adult it says interesting almost like slow I also say burn the toast kind of thing a really nice kind of it and if you’re incredibly more sure the texture is very very good very reliable now in terms of complex flavors not massive it pure nice that make sense but we’re getting bit of mushroom and I actually I’m going to go back to that toast almost like mushrooms on toast kind of slow deep Umarmi really gentle buttery remaining absolutely delicious so that is what we’re getting there and I want to pick out some flavors that classic British again butter and that bitterness that complex bitterness that comes in through through through the way we deliver now people have argued why non-french bit fronting on French cheeses have more bitterness and I’m going to tell you that the common answer is the blend of molds and yeasts use in the right way said to you that it’s predominantly almost entirely Penicillium camemberti and it will be but if you look at their traditional fresh styles they will have just like those hard cheese we talked about last week a biome in there maturing rooms that would be a lot more than just one mold you’ll get a lot of other things going on there and in particular people talk about a very famous yeast compared to ditrichum condit that is thought to balance off the bitterness which is one of the reasons that you look at men of French molds and you analyze and get them under the microscope you’ll find a lot more going on there than just the monoculture of the camp mo Bertie fascinating stuff know what you know what I’d love is I think their business I don’t want to take away all the negativity you might associate this all is thrown over shoulder it’s just a pleasure and I think you guys really well with that butter really well with that butter that cool.

So you tasted yours what is your tasting can you can you can you tell me what you were tasting this is it interesting are you tasting French are you tasting English and what’s your experience meanwhile I’m going to go on with a little bit of the curtains of Christ your craftsman so much I looked up to then I assumed it was on blow it turns out that Christ is coinage for having a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack so it’s a bit like having second breakfast and I think the idea of having second breakfast cheese it’s just churches hmm very good so what I’m getting here is a classic because as the world for mind is that button mushroom not a completely raw butter mushroom just a slightly cook current still very white not that brown butter mushroom with you you cooked in with it sausages like to get a little bit of break as it opens up another moisture is released to proceed so that kind of early button mushroom flavor a little more acidity out of that central biscuit your open bit and you’re getting more of this West Country cream and butter less butter on this one. Well around that I show more with your mouth water very bad for you now I’m reading aren’t the British styles there are some famous ones that egg tour the the English start the French starts and the two people will go for is the Tunworth.

Tunworth which is a camembert shape and the Baron bigod Bri now turn weapons from Hampshire cheese’s so sort of halfway from here London and fen farm which makes Baron by God is right and it’s Norfolk or Suffolk Tracy you have to create there always poke if they sometimes nor and their stop myself they are there more belly eyes and this gets into the issue of what’s the best count to make your your your milk from now montbeliarde or is thought to be like Ariston cattle of the French dairy milking fraternity sort of be giving the best milk that’s very arguable particularly because camembert which is the icon is made in Normandy cattle but montbeliarde are brought over by Johnny to make really good raw milk three kilo berries and that’s the car barren by the new baby by gods as well children but these big raw milk cheeses to really compete against those Rothschilds those rosy as those dong Jae’s those big companies from the east of Easter parents and the banner my god is this darling of our teeth soft cheese industry but there are other really good makers out there there are other breeding event and I would single out the love the West Country but also these these two the tongue Worth and Liam and a band by God but all good people are

So if you want to know or buy from me a pic pool coming up the wrong with it if you want to know what my from these just go the Academy website we’re listing as many cheesemongers as many cheese makers we can so that you can was that Tracy good questions people listening what other flavors they’re getting we’re getting on a meal if Scotty cream on the convenient camembert mushroom on toast so that’s great yeah she spelled him with a man party Gjetost is it commander leak did have a kettle of fish we were very lucky two years ago Tracy when we when we went to Norway for the world cheese wars to Bergen yet dust it deserves a program on it so it’s a way cheese made from either cow’s milk or goat’s milk go to Norway and or a blend and it’s brown looks like a brick and it’s got amazing characteristics of caramel and it melts Vera and it’s thought bees were vaguely breakfast cheese but actually that’s completely under plays the way no way no way to alter but we tasted a Tracy and I were tasting together and a wide variety a toast juices which well off-piste here um different textures we had some are mighty ones or some amazing amazing a toast but that’s the kind of thing where you think you know we’re talking about and it’s just some of the countries whole depth to their love of cheese that produce some extraordinary things extraordinary any more questions so I’ve got fashion about Louise up there who’s talking men adventurer yeah no you know you might just be able to get hold of veteran ow it’s really the end of March so it just tipped over for those who don’t know The Bachelor is the softest softest of all the cheese’s enormous defines good go there’s a French version owner Swiss version their down direction over that Alps and they come in little boxes with around a girdle made out of course a pine and the good news is that means the kids are asleep or nearly so so where was I so the S veteran one of the greatest saw cheeses made awesome awesome

Yeah good question um right let’s we’re ducking around this issue of PDO’s these protected food names and there is no protection for the word brie or camembert you could make a pair of shoes and clear camembert that is it you can do anything you like with your account that same goes for breathe what you cannot do is breathe ammo or can bed normally those words are protected under EU law and they will come after you like a ton of bricks if you start looking around with their protective field name ski skills there are two hundred and seventy odd cheese’s in Europe that get protected food name status and many many more of every other kind and they are sort of jersey potatoes Cornish Pasties melton mowbray pork pies lots of things get this status but in cheese terms brie and camembert are the ones that’s noise and and think Melan is I don’t think noises but be so that’s it when people say Cornish brie or camembert it could be anything so what’s the liberty brie and camembert you know we can talk about the difference in Breda Moe and come about in Normandy and there is a real difference there so with the brie de Meaux you classically are thinking woodland flavor so it’s an earthiness we were some forest mushrooms some of that sort of tree kind of smell and you go for the camembert and it’s all allotment flavors cabbage Brassica those kind of things now that our bries that drip tours coming very caliber as the drifter was breed that those are the two families and they sort of overlap a bit and when you look outside of France and outside those PDO s I know small berries named camembert and small camembert and Embry otherwise they could be anything so I hope that clears up the question.

Hopefully all delicious right sound pictures Twitter Apes hashtag #TNCN cheese no tuesday’s no cheese no t NC n that we find and no one’s asked me but I’m gonna answer this question because I get asked every single time how do you ripen a brief or a camembert and that’s actually really interesting and because everyone’s kitchen has moved on in the last hundred years and that’s important in the old days the kitchen was frequently the coldest room in the house and leaving it out and that cheese safe you could come across a French cheese set or on a slate show was the right thing to do but in today’s age kitchens the warmers from the house it’s where we spend most of our time often you have a sofa in there and you’ll put up TV and it’s sitting at 22 23 degrees that’s not good via cheese okay so what is it what temperatures would breathe through writing that when it’s in its own home when it’s back of the cheese maker it’s about 10 degrees okay really cold two to three degrees warmer than your fridge can get so if you take it down the fridge temperatures well pretty is struggling it might ripen it might not might give up the ghost so getting it up 10 degrees allows it to move on now the problem here next day the environmental health teams don’t like you doing things that are unsafe and their version of unsafe is warmer than 8 degrees okay just don’t do it they have some nice little rules about when you can all you can take cheeses out for and what you do them they obviously aren’t going to come into your home but the all professionals are guided by these and they basically say if you take it up to two hours you can put it back into the fridge take it out for more than two hours but less than four hours you can consume it but you have to learn throughout the web says really rude you know whereas the cheese makers they know what they’re doing is they’re cheated on the test and so they can go all the way to 15 16 degrees and that’s where they get best results I was talking to it Cornish cheese maker and I’m saying – so when when’s the best time to eat your cheese he goes 55 58 days okay but your use pay think your best before day is 50 days there are you guys probably want to leave it past that that’s the cheese maker talking

Okay so back to it in my home I’m very lucky that down there there’s a slate shelf sits on there 14 15 degrees discords across one has been there for four or five days I would probably left it for another couple of days awesome but in your own home give it some time and my honest answer is buy it from the cheese monger already ripe it’s the only way you know you’re gonna get there in the other roundabout answer to a question you did not but I know you’re interested on you can job cheese you like yeah

Tracy [Music] so at level two we got me 75 cheese’s at level 25 the course she wants to know where to get cheese it well whatever mrs. lady oh nice to meet you I hope you’re actually listening the answer is right now you can’t get them from anywhere it’s there’s a war on and we can’t we can’t get many one source when we’re putting together the hundred  cheese forever wanted to combined we wanted to see the iconic versions of particular cheese making styles who got there first or near first been around for a long time so we can see what the cheese making style their beds and how that delivers in flavor and texture and also in the cuisine it’s been so we’ve gone old-school not there are many many cheese makers using modern making modern interpretations of those cheese so the way that we work is if you can’t get the cheese that we list we are okay with you finding somebody who’s doing an ear friend of that as long as using the same techniques now we’ll be releasing a probably in two to three weeks or a month a list of descriptors that allow you to find alternatives and you can give us a call and we will suggest ones local tea that you can get because it’s understandable that normal cheese’s are going to be available on top of which we’re going to so much interest from places that far-flung you know the America is in Australia but we’re allowing local interpretations of some cheese’s you will always be tested on the ones we’ve chosen and that material is in the cheese library you get a nice little look that says that and there’s always a little bit of text you need to know about those because that’s building up your cheese history and your knowledge and the foundations of cheese but in tasting them we’re good if you have to find a local local reputation a local interpretation because local cheese’s is good cheese.

Tracy I’m seeing 43 minutes I’m sure these people these happy people who have got glass of wine and they’ve heard enough talking to me and I want to leave them hanging on for more yeah I’m looking at the Sun is down I’m seeing pink sky at night it’s me shepherd’s delight that he’s gonna be gorgeous in those days tomorrow and we’ve got a lot of pit bulls that we want to get on with and is there anything you’d like me to say before cheese no cheese no signs off for another day startled me pretty nice on 22nd so we’re gonna do a little webinar thing so three nights an hour and a half May 22nd the 29th and the 6th we’re going to 4 o’clock in the afternoon for till 5:30 if you want to ask questions on that and I’m very relaxing it drifts on a bit that’s fine bits about you being able to do your level one course and and how properly direction have me and you can ask questions and talk and we’ll get to know each other and there’ll be great fun there are two prices on there at the moment 149 quid for the package that includes the cheese but we’ve had inquiries in places where we can’t send you cheese so it’s 135 quit without cheese and I’m telling you now the valleys a bargain because that’s the same prices are online only coursing not have the benefit of international cheese drugs Charlie Turnbull’s – taking you through the same price that’s got to be working money what next Tracy so right nobody’s listening what San Bernardo they can’t hear you in Brazil bridges cheese weekend they’re making our children the British cheese weekend so it’s going to be over dough made a bank holiday oh it’s not just britain that has struggling right now the small producers all over the world we’re going to do a British cheese weekend if you are in Brazil go have a Brazilian cheese weekend oh we’re going to lead the way the small producers especially as cheese making association an evening where all the small producers in the UK we’re going to start really getting people trying British cheese is the cool small the big but I ve the Greve are smelly the the one you brother give your mother-in-law the whole gamut of British cheese’s we’re going to dig them up I’m doing a little bit of talk about it we’re gonna be telling where you can get them you can spread a gorgeous cheese picnic and gamer stand British cheese history will be releasing information on some of our heritage cheese’s so the British cheese weekender bring it on but I will see you next week for choose a nice cheese night what’s goings good food yes goats cheese I’ll be tasting rag stone from the Neil’s you’re a Creamery they have a lot of fresh juice they need to get rid of so they’ve lost me they hadn’t asked me I just knew so we’re going to do anyway they’ve asked me to help them so go order for make sure we’ll taste it it’s a fantastic product good night have a wonderful time is to take you to three seconds to turn off my video so I’m just going to start the little dance oh wait my yeah I made this today by the ice cream right ending screaming out love you all